Individual Analysis And Thought Contorol |
ニューズレター 第30号 昭和40年12月1日発行 より |
Almost every thoughtful person finds himself at times pondering over the various problems which face him in the field of human evolvementf and from time to time glimpses a little light here and there, yet not enough to connect or make a complete picture of his relationship to nature and mankind. |
The human mind is restless and jumps at conclusions thus it does not see the Real back of the effects. It does not remain quiet long enough to experience any peace for itself and therefore is unable to make full connection with Cosmic Consciousness.
The most important step that any person can take is the practice of self-control, espe- cially in the field of mental action. Thoughs pass through the mind with great rapitity and if they are not controlled they may be likened to a run-away train whose speed can- not ever compare with the speed of thought, but when controlled is very liable to cause much danger to itself and other forms. The engineer must have full control of the machi- nery which guides his locomotive or many lives would be endangered and he would be re- sponsible for all of them. Were he to act in a restless impatient manner as the mortal mind acts he would not be alerted to the importance of bringing the train under control.
When a human being does not control his thoughts he does not realize the danger his quick acting run-away mind might cause to others. A thought maintained by anyone is projected into space; it cannot be withheld, for action is continually going on and must take effect somewhere. The thought affects the other waves over which it passes and also lodges within the form through which it is expressed.
If it is a good thought it will do much beneficial work in space as well as within the body of itselff setting up harmonious vibrations in all that it contacts. If the thought is not pleasant one the same action will take place but it will do great harm in space where it will draw unto itself conditions of a like nature and cause an inharmonious state within the body, confusing all of the peaceful cells. A thought continued in such a channel will eventually unbalance the whole body and produce pain within it.
A balanced body is one in a natural state, peacefulf harmoniousf thus allowing all of the cells to do their work in a normal way. In this state the body becomes lighter and attuned to Cosmic Consciousness.
Everyone wishing to know mental and physical well-being must learn to control his thoughts. He must realize that thoughts are powerful and can be directed in either a constructive or destructive channel according to the choice of the individual. Habits are sometimes very difficult to break and a selfish thought that has been allowed to run wild for some time will be harder to control than the destructive thought which is transmitted immediately.
It is strange that this being called man, who has free will will use it in the channel which is most painful to himself* Sometimes this is done intentionally to gain sympathy from others. Sometimes he does this to attract attention to himself for that comforts his ego with the idea that he is the outstanding person in a group. He fails to take into consideration that others are not attracted by that kind of effect, for since con- sciousness is not a respecter anyone can see through the effects to the thought back of it.
This, of course, disturbes the personal ego of the individual and after failing to make an impression is hurt and tries many schemes to re-establish itself in the good graces of those it wishes to impress.. What an enormous amount of energy is wasted through actions that the mortal projects in order to convince itself that it is all-important.
It was never meant for man to use the power and strenght of his being in the channel of vanity and selfishness. Man was meant to be a humble servant unto his greater self and until he realizes this fact and puts aside his stubborn dominance and self-exhaltation he will be unable to make the right connection with Cosmic Consciousness which is the Creator of all that exists.
Laying aside these falsities of itself is not an easy task for they have been given to tal recognition for such a long time that they have become the controller of man's being; howeverf if the student is to find his place in life he must transmute his selfishness into higher fields of action.
This could be done most easily,perhaps, by finding channels of service which would be beneficial to many instead of the few0 The more one enters into the service of others the less he thinks about himself as a personality* When man learns to look upon himself as a channel privileged to perform a duty regardless of what it may be, seeing only that it needs to be done and happy for the opportunity to serve, he will then be about the Father's business. And who is to say what that business should be or who is to take charge of each of its different branches. One man may find his greatest work in some obscure place where he may never be known as a personality but so long as each one is acting impersonally upon the thing that presents itself to be done he is serving well.
The purpose of life is not personal attainment but the unification of all action in the cosmic sense. Any thought that helps keep an individual thinking in this vast field should be maintained at all times. If the mortal mind holds the cosmic thought for a time and then allows the thoughts to slip back to self it is expanding, uselessly, much energy that could be turned in a constructive channel of service.
Each person must find his own way for elevating his mortal thoughts. He must study himself and the way his mind functions. He must watch his own actions and reactions and find which thoughts will produce the most peaceful and harmonious conditions within his own body. There are no two individuals that are exactly the same* A teacher may give the universal laws to all of his students alike but each one will apply the laws in a little different way than another* Each man has a destiny to work out in each life - to one it may be the overcoming of fear; to another it may be a tendency towards jealousy which must be eliminated. One may gain his rewards through hard work while another may gain it through deep devotion.
A man of great will must learn humility while an individual who is naturally humble must find the way to unite that meekness with positive action. The path is a little different for each individual.
Man himself must find himself, his duty as a form, his relationship to all forms and his oneness with the consciousness and intelligence which is manifesting through all.
The vastness of knowledge and wisdom which can be attained by sincerity, honesty and love is unlimited, and the amount of service an individual can give is also unlimited.
What a privilege man has in being allowed to will himself to such a life of useful service. It is well worth any effort that a man may make to steer his ship of life on the true course that leads to a vast concept of the interrelationship of all life. Then he can truthfully say as Jesus saidf "I and the Father are one."
Individual Analysis And Thought Contorol |
ニューズレター 第30号 昭和40年12月1日発行 より |
Almost every
thoughtful person finds himself at times pondering over
the various problems which face him in the field of
human evolvementf and from time to time glimpses a little
light here and there, yet not enough to connect or make
a complete picture of his relationship to nature and
The human mind is restless
and jumps at conclusions thus it does not see the Real
back of the effects. It does not remain quiet long enough
to experience any peace for itself and therefore is
unable to make full connection with Cosmic Consciousness.
The most important step that any person can take is
the practice of self-control, espe- cially in the field
of mental action. Thoughs pass through the mind with
great rapitity and if they are not controlled they may
be likened to a run-away train whose speed can- not
ever compare with the speed of thought, but when controlled
is very liable to cause much danger to itself and other
forms. The engineer must have full control of the machi-
nery which guides his locomotive or many lives would
be endangered and he would be re- sponsible for all
of them. Were he to act in a restless impatient manner
as the mortal mind acts he would not be alerted to the
importance of bringing the train under control.
When a human being does not control his thoughts he
does not realize the danger his quick acting run-away
mind might cause to others. A thought maintained by
anyone is projected into space; it cannot be withheld,
for action is continually going on and must take effect
somewhere. The thought affects the other waves over
which it passes and also lodges within the form through
which it is expressed.
If it is a good thought it will do much beneficial work
in space as well as within the body of itselff setting
up harmonious vibrations in all that it contacts. If
the thought is not pleasant one the same action will
take place but it will do great harm in space where
it will draw unto itself conditions of a like nature
and cause an inharmonious state within the body, confusing
all of the peaceful cells. A thought continued in such
a channel will eventually unbalance the whole body and
produce pain within it.
A balanced body is one in a natural state, peacefulf
harmoniousf thus allowing all of the cells to do their
work in a normal way. In this state the body becomes
lighter and attuned to Cosmic Consciousness.
Everyone wishing to know mental and physical well-being
must learn to control his thoughts. He must realize
that thoughts are powerful and can be directed in either
a constructive or destructive channel according to the
choice of the individual. Habits are sometimes very
difficult to break and a selfish thought that has been
allowed to run wild for some time will be harder to
control than the destructive thought which is transmitted
It is strange that this being called man, who has free
will will use it in the channel which is most painful
to himself* Sometimes this is done intentionally to
gain sympathy from others. Sometimes he does this to
attract attention to himself for that comforts his ego
with the idea that he is the outstanding person in a
group. He fails to take into consideration that others
are not attracted by that kind of effect, for since
con- sciousness is not a respecter anyone can see through
the effects to the thought back of it.
This, of course, disturbes the personal ego of the individual
and after failing to make an impression is hurt and
tries many schemes to re-establish itself in the good
graces of those it wishes to impress.. What an enormous
amount of energy is wasted through actions that the
mortal projects in order to convince itself that it
is all-important.
It was never meant for man to use the power and strenght
of his being in the channel of vanity and selfishness.
Man was meant to be a humble servant unto his greater
self and until he realizes this fact and puts aside
his stubborn dominance and self-exhaltation he will
be unable to make the right connection with Cosmic Consciousness
which is the Creator of all that exists.
Laying aside these falsities of itself is not an easy
task for they have been given to tal recognition for
such a long time that they have become the controller
of man's being; howeverf if the student is to find his
place in life he must transmute his selfishness into
higher fields of action.
This could be done most easily,perhaps, by finding channels
of service which would be beneficial to many instead
of the few0 The more one enters into the service of
others the less he thinks about himself as a personality*
When man learns to look upon himself as a channel privileged
to perform a duty regardless of what it may be, seeing
only that it needs to be done and happy for the opportunity
to serve, he will then be about the Father's business.
And who is to say what that business should be or who
is to take charge of each of its different branches.
One man may find his greatest work in some obscure place
where he may never be known as a personality but so
long as each one is acting impersonally upon the thing
that presents itself to be done he is serving well.
The purpose of life is not personal attainment but the
unification of all action in the cosmic sense. Any thought
that helps keep an individual thinking in this vast
field should be maintained at all times. If the mortal
mind holds the cosmic thought for a time and then allows
the thoughts to slip back to self it is expanding, uselessly,
much energy that could be turned in a constructive channel
of service.
Each person must find his own way for elevating his
mortal thoughts. He must study himself and the way his
mind functions. He must watch his own actions and reactions
and find which thoughts will produce the most peaceful
and harmonious conditions within his own body. There
are no two individuals that are exactly the same* A
teacher may give the universal laws to all of his students
alike but each one will apply the laws in a little different
way than another* Each man has a destiny to work out
in each life - to one it may be the overcoming of fear;
to another it may be a tendency towards jealousy which
must be eliminated. One may gain his rewards through
hard work while another may gain it through deep devotion.
A man of great will must learn humility while an individual
who is naturally humble must find the way to unite that
meekness with positive action. The path is a little
different for each individual.
Man himself must find himself, his duty as a form, his
relationship to all forms and his oneness with the consciousness
and intelligence which is manifesting through all.
The vastness of knowledge and wisdom which can be attained
by sincerity, honesty and love is unlimited, and the
amount of service an individual can give is also unlimited.
What a privilege man has in being allowed to will himself
to such a life of useful service. It is well worth any
effort that a man may make to steer his ship of life
on the true course that leads to a vast concept of the
interrelationship of all life. Then he can truthfully
say as Jesus saidf "I and the Father are one."